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Baseball Draft Rules



  1. Minors division can have 1 Head Coach player/s and 1 protected assistant coach player/s. The assistant coach must have been enrolled and actively coaching in the prior fall AND/OR spring season. Your ASSISTANT must be declared and registered BEFORE evaluations.
  2. Majors / 5070 - Head Coach protected players only.
  3. ALL coach protected players MUST evaluate or they will become YOUR first round draft pick. (See Evaluations Later)


IN THE MOST EXTREME set of circumstances the league MAY AT ITS OPTION assign a player to a team. THAT player will fall into the category of the SIBLING rule. ** See Rules Later. We are not talking about whether coaches have coached together or players ride together. Ride sharing does not fall under this rule. This is for EXTREME situations only.


  1. No coach should be asked to not draft a player. No coach should be guilted or harassed into not drafting a player. If this happens let us know immediately (President and/or Player Agent). Even the request itself, as harmless as it may seem, is reason to alert us of the request (Also see #2 regarding the first round). No coach should be subjected to that by fellow coaches or parents.
  2. Coaches sometimes come together as a group pre-draft regarding first round draft picks in the Majors / 5070 division for the sake of acquiring an assistant coach. You may consider back checking that request and see if that request actually coached before. But also see #1. Feel free to reject the group and draft as you want.
  3. If you want certain players on your team, either draft them OR trade for them after the draft. RESPECT THE DRAFT!


Evaluations ACTUALLY start our summer all star evaluation process. Evaluations will help us review players for tournament teams. This IS NOT the only determining factor for All Stars, but is one of many tools we use.


Coaches are welcome to attend and observe the evaluations. We will not provide draft sheets with names. You may review our sign in sheet, but you are not allowed to photograph it.

As we should all honor the three tenets of Little League - Character, Courage, Loyalty - We expect ALL players to perform to the highest of ability during evaluations and not to be asked or expected to undermine the evaluations in any way.

Any player whom the board or those charged with overseeing evaluations feels not to have performed up to expectations, that player may be:

  • Asked to return for a second evaluation or asked to repeat a drill during evaluations. In the MOST-UNLIKELY event the player continues to under-perform, that player will fall into the blind draft.
  • Also, remember these evaluation scores may be utilized as part of our Summer Tournament Programs.

ALL players must attend an evaluation - including the Head Coach's child or children

  • Any player who does not evaluate for any reason will fall into the blind draft selection and WILL NOT be available for trade.
  • If a Coach's child does not evaluate, that child will become the Coach's 1st round draft pick.

Extenuating Circumstances

  • In the event of extreme circumstances (IE Significant Health Issues with Doctors note ) that a player cannot evaluate, you must notify the President and / or the Player Agent. If that player has not been evaluated within the last year, that player will be blind drafted. *If we have a recent history of the child, we will consider a remedy. This is a case-by-case basis. Trades WILL MOST LIKELY not be allowed and reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • * The player must have participated in the same division they registered for currently as in the previous fall season, evaluated within 1 year, and the players skill set would need to be generally understood within the division to be considered. In essence, the league must have skill knowledge of the affected player to be considered to be waived and placed in the normal draft without falling into the blind portion. Again, this is a CASE-BY-CASE basis.

Draft Procedures that Apply to All Divisions:


  • Your draft position will be selected @ a public drawing @ Time/Place TBD. You cannot trade your draft position with another Coach / Team.
  • NO IN DRAFT TRADES. Trades are not allowed during the draft.
  • You will receive a list of printed players with eval numbers 1 hour before (You must return the paper). Please do not share these numbers with anyone outside the draft AND DO NOT photograph it.
  • Draft order will snake (1-8,8-1,1-8...) until all evaluated players are selected. Most likely you will have 12-13 players depending on your draft number & division.
  • Once evaluated players are drafted, players not evaluated will be drawn out of a hat (Blind Draft) in continuous draft order (1-8,1-8) picking up where we left off with drafted players.
  • You may not communicate to anyone (players, parents, etc) about the draft selections until 48 hours post draft as this will be our “TRADE” period.
  • Sibling Rule: In ALL divisions - brothers and sisters who are not protected - after the first sibling is drafted, the other sibling must be drafted on the next turn in the draft. * Read below for protected players.
  • Trades : Trades are of equal ability and are subject to the player agents approval. Again, do not communicate to anyone (players, parents, etc) about the draft selections until 48 hours post draft.

MINORS ONLY Coach Protected Player/s

We allow ONE protected assistant coach in our Minors division. The reasoning is that most coaches are coming from Coach Pitch and can use some familiarity in a newer game that requires training pitching and catchers.

  • The son(s) or daughter(s) of the Head Coach may be protected.
  • The son(s) or daughter(s) of one Assistant Coach may be protected if two conditions have been met:
  • The protected assistant coach must be active during games and in the dugout. Disciplinary measures may be taken if the Head Coach intentionally runs afoul of this rule.
  • Assistant Coach protects must be declared BEFORE player evaluations AND registered in the system.
  • All Head Coach and Assistant coach protected players MUST be drafted by the 5th round if no siblings.
  • The "Sibling Rule" applies for brothers and sisters in the Minors draft.
  •  PROTECTED SIBLINGS : The last sibling of both head/assistant must be taken in the 6th round. first drafted sibling of the group must be taken on or before the 5th and the last sibling of the group in the sixth.
    • Example 1: Head Coach Has 2 children, Assistant has 1 - Protected Assistant must be taken on or before the 4th, Head Coach First Sibling the 5th, Last Sibling the 6th.
    • Example 2: Head Coach Has 2 children, Assistant has 2 - Protected Assistant first sibling in the 3rd, Protected Assistant first sibling in the 4th, Head Coach First Sibling the 5th, Last Sibling the 6th.
    • Example 3: Head Coach has 1 child and no declared assistant. Head Coach Child must be drafted by the 5th round.


Majors & 5070 Coach Protected Player/s


  • ONLY the son(s) or daughter(s) of the Head Coach may be protected.
  • Head Coach Protected Players will be taken on or before the following draft round based on "Little League Age."
    • These rules apply even in the case of a head coach having multiple sons or daughters in the draft.
    • Example, the Head Coach has two sons in the Majors (Little League) draft. One is 10 and the other is 12. According to the rules below, the coach must draft his 12 year old son on or before the 3rd round and his 10 year old son on or before the 5th round.
    • If a Head Coach has siblings of similar age - the first sibling must be selected in the age appropriate round listed below and the other sibling in the very next round (See Sibling Rule).

Draft Round
Intermediate 5070
 4 11 12 13 15
 3 12 13 14 16

The "Sibling Rule" applies for all other brothers and sisters in the draft.